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Flashy Friday Week 2!

Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bullies and Barrows

In honor of Wordless Wednesday!
"Not-So-Wordless" in my case.

So currently their is a contest going for "Dogs with Carts" these carts also include wagons, and wheelbarrows. 
Well I was doing some yard work outside and the thought occurred to me... little miss Ziva would be a super cute contest entry, so in prep I stuck a cozy towel in the bottom of the wheelbarrow grabbed her tennis ball as a reward for good behavior, picked her up and stuck her in! I then handed her the tennis ball and told her to, "wait" while I snapped some pics.

Isn't she cute!!
Anything for a tennis ball.

My happy girl!

After taking a few pictures I decided it would be fun to get Dante into the wheelbarrow, he's 65+ pounds but I figured with his cooperation (he's such a good sport) it wouldn't be a problem!

Well Dante had his own thoughts about the matter, he thought it looked like fun! And since his sister had left the wheelbarrow he decided to get himself in! I reached down to pick him up and he shrugged me off, next thing I know he's got his two front feet in the wheelbarrow and is doing his best to try and pick his back legs up and get in himself!
I helped him get in just by picking up his back feet, he promptly turned around in a circle and sat down. 
What a good boy!

Look mom!
He liked it!


  1. I love them both! They are so kissable! Great pictures :)

  2. We Beaglebratz howled when we saw that furst pikchure of Ziva with the ball in her mouth - she almost lookz like she iz laughin'!
    An'what a good boy tue help hiz mom - Dante must haf know u mite hafta struggle tue git him in the wheelbarrow so he d-sided tue help!
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

  3. They are adorable! <3

    Shannonn Adams
    Walks With Rama
    A Corso In The Kitchen

  4. These photos are so great! Luna and I still have to find a cart we can use.

  5. Ziva is such a CUTIE. I love how she's got a smile with the tennis ball in her mouth. It's one of the things I haven't trained Bain to do it yet!

    I love the brindle coat on Dante. What a muscular boy.

    Now that I've seen so many of these dogs in carts photos, I think I'm going to have to locate a cart or wheelbarrow to put Bain in. He's too heavy for me, so I might have to throw a piece of chicken in there. Hah

    ~ April

    1. Thanks April!
      Ziva is my smiling baby! All the time. :-) Dante...he smiles too but boy you should see him pout!! It's a look that'll melt your heart every time.

      Good luck getting Bain in a cart! Haha! Maybe try a wagon? He'd be cute in a kids red flyer.

  6. I loved seeing your entries on Instagram! They're completely great and adorable to boot.

  7. Adorable beyond words - I love this. So cute holding the ball and in the wheel barrow - way too cute!

  8. OMST!! What a couple of cuties!! They look great! Good luck in the contest. Happy WW!


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