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Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Monday, October 12, 2015


Mischeif Monday!
Buster Part II - Finesse Not Force

Buster is doing great! Just a quick update, this weekends shenanigans started out with another session with Buster.

We walked much farther! He was more relaxed and not so jumpy, he knows me a bit better so I think that has definitely helped. I had more yummy treats to keep his attention with, he's kinda funny though in that he prefers chicken treats to the salmon ones. As you can see from the video he's becoming more interested in the environment as opposed to scared of it, he spent a lot of time walking next to and behind me sniffing the ground - as opposed to attempting to pull me.

Baby steps though!

He's still pulling but I'm continuing to use circles with him, and treats to lure him back into place when he gets out front and he seems to be getting it.

On this trip Buster and I encountered another dog which resulted in a full puppy meltdown, thankfully the other dog was behind a fence. He's not reactive but he is very excitable and wants to play/meet other dogs. I waited out the storm and was able to get his attention back on me and using treats got him to sit nicely (though their was some whining), then pass by without incident once the other owner got control of and brought their nutty barker back into the house.

Yay Buster!

Buster Part I - HERE

Sorry in advance! It's hard to video, walk, watch Buster, and reward him. We're using #positivedogtraining methods with Buster a giant Rottie mix pup, he is wearing a martingale collar (Dante's collar actually) because when he gets excited he pulls really bad and I funny want his head to accidentally slip from its collar which has happened before, his owners are buying him a new one this weekend. This is our second session, he's getting much better at walking next to/behind me. At this point the only goal of our walks is to work on his focus on me, and for him to just not pull. #babystepstosucces!! He did great until we came back and he saw his family outside. πŸ’“πŸΎπŸ’“πŸΎπŸ’“πŸΎπŸ’“πŸΎ #dogtraining #positivelytrained #prongcollarssuck #lovernotafighter #patience #patienceisavirtue #goodboy #happydogs #finessenotforce #forcefree #badassclub
A video posted by DZ Dog Mom (@dzdogadventures) on

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