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Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Send Some Snow!

Happy Throwback Thursday!

I was just looking outside, sipping my eggnog latte and watching the gray clouds roll around with light rainy sprinkles...and thinking about that gorgeous white stuff. Yep, snow!

I hope we get some this year, Ziva has never been snowshoeing! We took Dante a little over a year ago, but that was before we adopted Ziva.

So cross your fingers, I'm wishing for a white Christmas!

HERE is our fun snowshoeing story from 2014!

If you've never been - snowshoeing is such a blast! It really isn't that hard, and it's fun to get out in the great outdoor and enjoy the beauty that winter brings. I should mention, the Ruffwear boots that Dante is wearing in this first picture didn't work out for the snow. The velcro kept getting clogged and they kept falling off. So we'll be ordering new boots if we have the chance to get out this year! I've been looking at Muttluks Dog Boots, and Pawz brand boots to try. Have you guys had any personal experience with either?

And our family is bigger this year!
It's my twin niece and nephew's first Christmas! We'd like to hook them up to Dante & Ziva and have the dogs pull the twins around in their convertible bike trailer, you can replace the wheels with ski's, how great is that!

I love my family.
Cheers to hot coffee!!

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop,, pet centric
Barks n Bytes


  1. I'm really hoping for snow, too! The rain has been ridiculous and I'm tired of being wet and muddy. LOL I love your snow photos! They are awesome!

    1. Agreed! How about a snow strike against wet and muddy feet! :-)

  2. I sure hope you get some snow. Must be warm snow though judging by the lack of coat in the one Thanks for joining the hop.

    1. Sometimes it's really nice snow! We'll have sunshine and snow, and when you're moving around in snowshoes you start sweating pretty good. :-)

  3. Hi Y'all!

    NO!!! I don't like snow. It freezes my feet and my bumper gets all icy and freezes my tongue and mouth!

    My Human is afraid of snow! She's fallen a couple of times and been hurt in snow, so she doesn't want to go out...period. I don't get to go out without her. Not a good combo. Period.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Oh no! You're poor human!
      Sorry she has such bad luck in the snow, we love romping around like crazy in the white fluffy stuff. Then heading back into the house for hot toddy's or cider!

  4. Replies
    1. I wish! I wish! I wish for snow!!
      *wags & kisses for Maggie!*

  5. We had a light dusting of snow last year - one day - which is a huge deal in the desert - but Blueberry wasn't too impressed. I'm not really sure if she'd have a different reaction in deep snow.

    Hope you get snow too! Read about the extra "guests" you have - can't wait to read more about how that goes. You always do such a great job training them and getting them ready for their forever homes!

    1. Snow in the desert would be quite the surprise! How fun!
      Thanks so much for the support on our new house guests. :-) LoL
      More updates on the way now!

  6. PepiSmartDog: fantastic post! Love your photos and what a lot of fun!!
    By the way, we'd love some snow too - we are heading into summer and its way too hot.
    Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We always love reading your posts and hope to see you again this week.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. ((((HUGS))) xoxo :=o)


Barks & Howls are always welcome!!

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