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Flashy Friday Week 2!

Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Fun!

DZ + Jack Adventures!

Guess what my amazing hubby did for me! Go on...guess! 

He rallied the family and for my graduation gift they surprised me with an amazing camera!! It's a Nikon D5300 I hope you enjoy our fun pictures as much as I enjoy taking them!

Here is some fun we had over the weekend.

We played at grandma's house, they have 5 acres of fenced-in fields which has been a perfect location for us to work on recall with Jack and of course the pups had a blast running around and smelling everything. 

On another note - 

Ziva's knee is looking great!  We've been stopping by the vets office every Friday for a quick look, our wonderful vet just wants to watch Ziva's gait and make sure things are improving and we're sticking with the Chinese herbal supplements for joint and tendon health. Just taking exercise kinda easy to make sure she makes a full recovery. We're thinking it was just over stressed from exercising to hard, or she strained it during play time.

More to come! Stay tuned for a Dante flyball update! I'm hoping to get to that tomorrow, I thought graduating would make my life less hectic but in reality we've been crazy busy.  Thanks for stopping by!

And if you know anyone in Oregon, preferably the Eugene area...this beautiful boy is still available for adoption!


  1. So glad to hear that rest and supplements is helping Ziva's knee. It's so hard to keep a good pup down.

    And of course, swimming is great for the joints. :)

    1. It really is tough to keep her from running psycho circles all over the place, the more we try to keep her workouts light the crazier she becomes! On a good note, swimming is really helping keep her energy down, that and all the heat we've been having. :-)

  2. Hi Y'all!

    Looks like a fun time!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    P.S.. I've moved to


Barks & Howls are always welcome!!

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