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Flashy Friday Week 2!

Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Tennis Balls

Today just featuring a girl and her ball...

So want to know the trick?

Lacrosse balls! They last a lot longer than tennis balls, and unlike a tennis ball she can't destroy it in a matter of seconds! So for now tennis balls are for fetch and lacrosse balls are for chewing. Given the choice she'll always pick a tennis ball over any other type of ball we've tried. And we've tried many, basketballs are kind of fun, she likes slightly deflated playground balls, softballs don't last more than 30 seconds, soccer balls she isn't really interested in, hard rubber balls are ok but tennis balls are the real dream for this silly gal.

 I think she likes how she can squish them and have them entirely slobber soaked. Ooshy, gooshey, slimy, so much so that when I chuck her tennis ball I am sometimes sprayed with collateral spit as the ball goes whizzing through the air.

"Ahhh, tennis ball. Oh how I love thee..."

Bowling for pibbles!

Sorry this week has gotten out of hand, I'll have part II up soon I promise! We got some great pictures I just need to finish editing and post them.



  1. Girls and their balls! How funny that we both posted this today!

    1. It's soo funny but I pretty much have tennis balls everywhere! My father-in-law went to a garage sale and came away with a small trash bag full of brand new balls. So now I find them in both cars, car cupholders, the trunk, different backpacks, my agility bag, even in my coat pocket the other day. :-) She just loves them!

  2. I love the bowling video. I've never seen a Lacrosse, but we are going through tennis balls like crazy with our 7 month-old Rottie mix so this is going on my "to do" list. Thanks for the tip.

    1. You're welcome! The lacrosse ball is a heavy duty, heavy rubber ball. I bet your rottie gal would just love to chew on it!

  3. Oh how gorgeous. Our old dog still loved a ball even when she was on her death bed. Her mate who we've still got is totally nonplussed by them unless he's in the mood. I do miss the absolute unadulterated excitement of a staffie with a ball!xx

    1. Thank you! <3 Dante doesn't care for any sort of ball, but he has been known to occasionally steal Ziva's if he thinks she's getting an unfair amount of attention. :-) *wags!

  4. We love Lax balls! They are so much more durable! We just wish they had a but more squish!

  5. Awe!! She loves that ball! That's too cute!


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