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Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Coastal Pups!

Mama's Vacation Buddies

Coast trip? Yes please!!

Sadly Dz Dad wasn't able to make it due to work, however that didn't stop us from going anyways. A family reunion at the coast sounded like a nice getaway from it all. From all the smoke that is.

There is normally a mountain right there...
The first night we camped on the Oregon Coast, it wasn't as restful of a sleep as I would have liked. When we first arrived at our campsite that we reserved online we discovered a woman there. The hosts forgot to put up our reservation sign so she thought it was available. To be nice we decided since she was on her own, and it was just myself with Dante and Ziva we opted to share the site and try to make new friends. She was good company for most of the evening, until she got through a whole bottle of wine and half a bottle of whisky BY HERSELF. I don't mind a drink before bed, but I've long ago decided that I'm too old to deal with the repercussions and hangovers from a night of heavy drinking.  After that I was left tending to a stranger and wishing that I had taken the opportunity to kick her out of my campsite when I had first arrived. Live and learn though right?

Being that we don't camp very often the dogs were up most of the night. Any tiny noise and Dante would make a quiet "boof" under his breathe. It's a noise kind of like an old man muttering to himself. Then Ziva would growl softly, I would "shhhhhh" them both and like clockwork every couple hours Ziva would get up and check on me by shoving her wet nose into my face.

It was a long night, and a very early morning. The dogs decided they were up at 5:30 am, I convinced them to wait until 6 before a very frustrated mama finally got up.

We then snuck out of camp I didn't want to wake my strange and obnoxious camp mate. Next order of business was coffee, and hitting the beach before my family was up and ready to meet for breakfast.

What a beautiful first morning though!! Clear blue skies, light breeze, and of course no one was on the beach at 6 in the morning.

Despite the lack of sleep, our family reunion was a lot of fun, and Saturday night when I was offered an RV to stay in with the dogs I jumped at the chance.

Sunday morning was another gorgeous day, a bit overcast on the coast but as soon as we got into town it was sunny and clear. It was a great way to exercise the dogs, they've been getting cabin fever since I won't let them run around like maniacs in the smoke.

We're definitely going to do this trip again! Hopefully soon and with Dz Dad. But I had a lot of fun camping by myself with the dogs, something that I haven't done before. And it was a great experience I certainly wouldn't mind if I had to go by myself again. Biggest takeaway from this weekend? No sharing campsites with random strangers in the future. All I need are my dogs, they are way better company.

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