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Flashy Friday Week 2!

Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Homeless Hounds Pupdate #2

Pupdate #2

Hey furfriends! We haven't forgotten about you I promise! Thanks for sticking with us, i'll be back on a blogging schedule soon in the meantime though we're packing, prepping for our home inspection, and setting up our move. Gotta get that moving van reserved, find a storage unit, you know - all the fun stuff that comes with moving... *I say "fun" in a very sarcastic manner.*

Dante and Ziva are totally cool with it though, I don't think they even notice!

The weather has been so gorgeous we've been doing lots of outdoor playing, and walking around our favorite ponds.

Speaking of ponds...guess who decided to chase the ducks when mommy took him off-leash?
This guy, right here.

What a nut, thanks Dante! We had to extend our walk an extra 30 min to let him dry off a little. I wasn't expecting them to get wet so silly me hadn't brought a towel. Remember those Recall Games I wrote about? Guess we need to do some more practicing, hahaha! Training never ends I have to keep reminding myself.

Dz Dog Dad and I also celebrated a late anniversary, 6.5 years! It's flown by so fast! He was out of town during our anniversary and we've just been busy. But we finally got around to it and had a fun filled weekend, we started our morning off with some amazing local coffee, and waited in a long line at a locally famous gourmet donut shop.

Normally we aren't this kind of crazy, a line for donuts?!
It was totally worth it though! The apple fritters were warm, gooey, and had chunks of apple in them while the buttermilk old fashioned donuts were warm crispy on the outside and melt in your mouth magical on the inside. If we ever go back we'll gladly wait in line again! Voo Doo Donuts ain't got nothing on Blue Star!

A photo posted by DZ Dog Mom (@dzdogadventures) on

Stay tuned for more fun filled adventures coming up soon!


  1. So exciting! I can't WAIT till we move. We still have about 5 years yet. Meh. I'll live vicariously through you for now!

    1. Well you'll start laughing i'm sure when we move into an RV!! :-)

  2. Okay now you made me want an apple fritter or a donut! I know the "fun" you speak of with the moving and packing all too well as we have moved several times in our relationship. Happy aniversary! May you have a lifetime of Happy celebrations! Any updates on Jack?

    1. Oh's a good thing that I don't live close to this donut company! I'd easily put on 10 pounds!

  3. Ugh! Moving is a nightmare! We doggies travel lighter and it is easier BOL! BTW, we especially love those furst 2 photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Sounds like y'all are having a fun and busy time!

  5. We know exactly what you're going through! Been there, done that...LOL. It's way more fun once you get to the other side of it all!
    I'd stand in line for those donuts too....and glad to hear you were able to make time for a little celebrating!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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