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Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Friday, September 16, 2016

What's Going On With That Cup?

Fill 'Er Up!

I was talking to a friend this morning and the topic of a "cup half full" or a "cup half empty" came up in conversation. And I realized that I am definitely a realist, rather than "half empty" or "half full" the thought that popped into my brain is - well is the cup being filled or drank? What's going on with that cup?

We've been homeless since May! Can you believe it? I can. Dante and Ziva have been super troopers though! Where personally I've struggled with frustration they've been happy campers - in a very literal sense.

Happy Camper #1

Happy Camper #2

Thank doggy for flexible dogs! In the very beginning they just thought it was one big party. After our home sold we temporarily moved in with my parents (Doggy Disneyland HERE) while we figured where we were going to live in Southern Oregon. We changed from purchasing a house to deciding to build one (because no homes were available, it's a HOT market down here!). We then had some back and forth with a seller over their property before we finally had a sale agreement.

After we had our new property in contract we then had a bunch of paperwork and an itemized list of things "to do" in order to get our construction loan underway. In the meantime Dz Dog Dad was staying with a friend in Southern Oregon while we puzzled out how to get myself and the Dz Dogs down to him. (Traveling With Large Dogs HERE) Long story shorter... we purchased my parents RV and moved our little family (minus the cats, my mom is watching them. THANKS MOM!!)  to our friends property in the RV. Finally Moved to Southern Oregon HERE   Whew....

That was tiring...
Now just to remind you...we had been house hunting since before we even put our previous home on the market, we then switched to building our next house, we had a deal fall through on the first property we looked at getting. As of May we had no place to stay and our home SOLD. We found a new property to build on, and as of now - September the deal still hasn't closed on it! In case you didn't know, construction loans are terribly complicated.

After everything we've been through we could certainly be cranky and glass half empty kind of people. But a lesson from the dogs.

FILL up that darn cup, TOSS it back like a shot, 

And Great News!! We're finally closing on our property!
Patience & Persistence Pays Off!

I know my blogging schedule has been a bit off, thank you to my readers who have stuck with us! It's about to get VERY EXCITING!


  1. Yay for things moving along! Sounds like not only is your cup full, but so is your plate!

  2. Yup, doggies are just happy when the pack is all together. Sounds like things have been changing by the minute! Building can be complicated. Our pawrents built our house and said that there were so many things that COULD have gone wrong but didn't. Good luck!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. It's actually been way slow! We had hoped to originally close in August, but oh well. :) it's all good!

  3. Hapy Closing n your property! I saw you started your building/new home blog!


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