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Flashy Friday! Week 2 -  "Spin" Whew! A whole week between posts, sorry guys! Like I've mentioned before we're pr...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Howl-O-Ween!!

Happy Howl-O-Ween!!

We went to a Scarecrow building contest hosted by a friend of mine, last year we won with our Headless Horseman so this year everyone came back determined to kick our butts!

Last year's winning scarecrow!
This year we decided to do Oogie Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas, a favorite move of ours. Sadly we didn't win, but we still had fun! 

Our Oogie Boogie Scarecrow.
Here is the winning scarecrow for this year, apparently the hubby and I started something big when we knocked everyone out of the water with their informal contest last year. Hahaha, this means next year we're going to have to step up our game again!


Anyways, since we had a big Oogie Boogie to put on our front porch we decided to theme our pumpkins as well.

Here is my pumpkin.

Dz Dog Auntie carved this one of Jack Skellington.
The dogs were adorable, Dante went as a Minion and Ziva was a tiger baby. It was a pretty chill night overall. We stayed home and watched movies while passing out candy to all of the little kids.  I didn't make Dante stay in costume because he hated it, so he only wore it long enough for pictures.

"What's so cool about this dude again?"

I hope you had a Happy Halloween!!

In case you missed it, Jack went to his new home this past Friday!
So far so good!

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